The 7 Laws of Restaurant Leadership [Restaurant Management]

It is important for any administrator, no matter what the field, that you have a good work team. But to have a good team, you must first be a good leader.

There will be many people who think they are good leaders, but most likely they are not, most likely they have no idea how to be a good leader. But don’t worry, leadership is something you can learn and there are many people who can give you a guide on how to be a good leader, and in this post I want to share the vision of Dave Alfred, founder and CEO of Bar Patrol and his 7 rules for leadership in the restaurant (or bar, or cafe or any other business that requires a team):

The 7 Laws of Restaurant Leadership [Restaurant Management]
1.- Monkey Law: Monkey sees and monkey does, and lead by example. Do what you want them to do.

2.- The Law of Alignment: Your words and your actions have to be aligned.

3.- The Law of vision: Show them where you want to go.

4.- The Windex Law: Give them crystal clear instructions.

5.- The Law of Authority: They don’t need a friend, they need a leader.

6.- The Law of Humility: Be human and be able to admit when you are wrong.

7.- The Law of Connection: Learn who they are so that they feel valued and important in your organization.


I repeat, these laws do not only apply to restaurants, it is for all businesses, and surely we can find more laws, rules, or recommendations for good leadership, but if you apply these laws in your business, I am sure you will be able to see positive changes in your team. of work.


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